"Dream up your tattoos, and I'll turn them into reality."

Allow me to introduce myself, Soad López. Born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, I embarked on my artistic journey early on, as I moved to the USA. Graduating high school marked the beginning of my career as an esthetician in Miami, specializing in permanent makeup. It was during this time that I crossed paths with Jean Álvarez, who ignited a fire within me to delve deeper into the world of art. In 2021, I took the plunge into the world of tattooing, instantly falling head over heels for the realm of artistic tattoos.

My precision and skill in crafting eyebrows seamlessly transitioned into mastering fine lines, delicate flowers, and intricate scripts that demand nothing less than perfection. Today, I define my style as minimalist fine line, where each stroke tells a story.

Jean Alvarez
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Jean Alvarez
